More Filkado Photographs from Noreascon 4

Steven Winikoff took these pictures at the Noreascon 4 production of The Filkado. Photo editing by Mark Mandel and Gary McGath.

"A wandering punster I..." (Larry Seiler as the Punsman, Terri Wells as Nit-Pick)
Dr. McKoko
"I've got a little file." (Mark Mandel as Dr. McKoko)
D. J. Thoris
"I became a music pirate." (Patricia Rubin as D. J. Thoris)
The Filkado
"Inadvertent punning is one thing..." (Harold Feld as the Filkado)
Set beanies on pun
"Set beanies on pun!"
Dr. McKoko and Tomokatisha
"Resistance is futile." (Mark Mandel as Dr. McKoko, Lois Mangan as Tomokatisha)
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