Things I will and won't do when I am an Evil Counsellor
There are lists of advice for Evil Overlords,
Sidekicks, and
True Loves, among others.
But another group urgently in need of advice is Evil
Counsellors. These people, from Haman through Wormtongue, though they
seem tremendously clever, have a very high death rate in movies and
novels. To help increase their chances of survival, I've come up with
some suggestions of my own, and others on have added their own suggestions. Here
are my suggestions, plus my favorites from theirs. Thanks to everyone
who offered ideas for the list!
If I have a name which makes me sound like a complete scoundrel, I'll change
it at the earliest opportunity. (GM)
If I have a vocal delivery which a snake wouldn't trust, I'll get voice coaching. (GM)
Ambiguous advice may result in my being the Enemy of the Realm who is
executed. I'll spell things out clearly. (GM)
I will not put the moves on women favored by My Lord, especially if they are
skilled with weapons or martial arts. (GM)
I will make sure that any lies which I utter can't be quickly disproven by
those present. (GM)
I won't entrust flunkeys recruited off the street with secret passwords
or powerful artifacts. (GM)
If My Lord starts asking me unexpected questions, I'll consider the
possibility that he may be on to me, and will have escape plans ready. (GM)
I shall replace the steps in front of the Palace with a soft grassy
slope, just in case. I can always say that it's better for the horses. (DGB)
I shall not, under any circumstances, shave my eyebrows. (DGB)
Skulking behind curtains is never a good idea. (DGB)
While pet animals can be a sweet and reassuring sign to the naive, white
cats are a dead giveaway. So are carnivorous fish, giant centipedes,
and exotic hothouse plants that are sources of mind-altering drugs. (DGB)
Do not display the brow of a Shakespeare unless you are Shakespeare.
A good toupee is preferable to silly hats, and if noticed can be passed
off as mere vanity. (DGB)
Black-clad ninja assassins are too obvious in daytime. Pick accomplices
who are smart enough to be inconspicuous. (DGB)
I shall cultivate an elegant, erect posture. If I suffer from a
spinal deformity that prevents this, I shall seek out the best
surgeons to have it corrected. (RK)
I will not cringe. It never helps. (RK)
I will take care that the lies I tell to M'Lord and his various
hangers-on are consistent with each other, so I'm not rumbled if they
ever compare notes. (RS)
When pilfering valuable jewellery, ancient heirloom swords, etc. from
M'Lord's household, I will have the sense to keep them somewhere a bit
more secure than my bedroom closet. (RS)
If another of M'Lord's followers is becoming enough of a threat to my
Nefarious Plans that I find it necessary to have him framed for some
Dastardly Deed in order to get rid of him, I will make sure it's
something sufficiently Dastardly to warrant execution rather than exile
or imprisonment. You just know that anyone who isn't actually dead is
going to make a surprise comeback at the worst possible moment. (RS)
I will have a safe, comfortable escape plan ready to implement on
a moment's notice. I will implement this plan, when given such
notice, and will not wait for the king's men to slowly catch on
to my treachery. (ED)
If discovered, I will kill the king when I am three inches from
his exposed throat. I will not wait until I am hundreds of miles
away before planning a return trip for this purpose. (ED)
The person who made this list is himself, by definition, an Evil Counsellor,
so I'll be wary of his advice. (GM)
- GM: Gary McGath
- DGB: David G. Bell
- RK: Richard Kennaway
- RS: Ross Smith
- ED: Ed Dravecky III
Copyright 2002 by Gary McGath; contributors retain all rights to their contributions.
Last updated December 31, 2002