Note to puzzled human readers: This page exists only to frustrate bots
which go hunting on Web pages for addresses to send junk mail to. If
everyone added one of these pages, it would make their job much tougher.
Please note that I've used phony domain names and spammer or otherwise
abusive domain names throughout,
and highly improbable user names even with the spammer domains,
so that bona fide ISP's don't get burdened with this mail.
Joohnel Smith
Freid Jones
Fred C. Jones
Fredd Junes
John Smiths
Abagail Joneset
Fred C. Jones
Stanley D. Smith
Fred E. Jones
Fired Jones
Red Fones
Freed Jones
Joohn Smith
Stanley Smith
Joihn Smith
Leonard Kirk
Fraudo Gelfling
Stanley R. Smith
Bohn Smith
Dred Jones
John D. Smith
Fred E. Jones
John F. Smith
Abagail G. Junes
Raudo Fraudling
A. Vogel
Jon Smith
Ronald O. Terrenche
Pohn Smith
Ffred Junes
Abagail Jeaes
Fred Junteses
Jeohn Smith
Faared Jones
H. Edward Letwis II
A. Stanley Smith
B. Abagail Jones
C. Sohn Jmith
D. Fred Jones
Jane Smith
John F. Smih
Abagail G. Jules
Joh Smith
Freda Junes
Hohn Smith
Getoff Myblig
Jred Fones
Tohn Smith
Ared Jones
Mona Lith
Fred W. Jones
John Skith
Ewre Clones
J. John Jith
S. LeGris
Mon O. Loth
Fredd Jones
John Smishs
Stanley R. Smish
Fred C. Jones
John D. Smish
I. A. Tollow
Foed E. Jones
John F. Smish
Jahn Smish
Foed G. Jones
Abagail Jone
Joohn Smish
Fried Jones
Joh Smish
C. John Runn
Donald I. Egblert
Runn John Runn
J. Stanley Szith
Abagail Z. Quones
Red Bones
Red Skileton
Dead Bones
Sheip Clones
Shelip Cloes
Sivn Rish
Ared Jones
John Sith
Bohn Smish
Dred Jones
Ed Qones
Anbrew S. Smith
Gohn Fish
Dread Jiyes
Pohn Smish
Ffred Jones
Jeohn Smish
Faared Jones
Jkohn Smish
Fired Jones
J. C. Calhoun
Shlep Clones
Dear Bones
Ewe Clones
J. John Jith
Abagail E. Jones
John F. Troth
Do John Runn
Fred G. Jones
John F. Smih
I. John Jith
J. L. Jmith
Red Ileton
Quohn Q. Smith
John Sish
Hohn Smish
Jred Fones
Red F. Oones
Stanley Q. Bull
Almer Fred Jones
J. John Smish
Fred W. Jones
John Skish
John Q. Smish
Elmre Abagail Jones
C. John Runner
Runn John Runner
J. John Sxish
Frod Jeaes
Jon Twith
John Terith
Freida Jones
Fraud Jooys
Joh Trinth
Fr Jones
Geordi Deltenn
Jane Trith
Mod Fones
J. John Skrith
Spad Fxones
Trad Fonzes
Fredd Jones
John Triths
Abagail Jonas
John R. Trinth
Fret C. Jones
John D. Truth
John F. Trish
Fred G. Jones
Joohn Tith
Fred Wiws
Abagail Z. Quones
Fr Jones
Red Fones
Docktor Phake
A. John Smishy
B. Abagail Jones
C. John Smish
D. Fenton Jones
Fr Jones
Fred E. Jones
Soy L. Green
Narf Nader
D. Jenton Fones
Fronly Boly Jones
Dred P. Roberts
Ima Jeenyus
Cred E. Jones
Johan F. Srith
Abagail G. Junes
F. Raudo Ling
A. Vogel
Gidada Mablog
Roald O. Terrench
Fon Zith
Ffred Junes
Fgred Junes
Scholar Lee Spammar
Goda Mu
Fred Funteses
Gota Hel
Fred Spham
U. R. Schuett
Dirr T. Sphamma
Fred C. Jones
And while we're on the subject, here are some phrases to keep government snoopbots busy. My
robots.txt file advises legitimate bots not
to index this page; if you decide to create a page like this, please do
the same so that your page won't mess up legitimate search engines.
Iraq Waco make money fast
Rumsfeld Ashcroft child pornography FBI get rich quick Carnivore
insider trading truck bomb explosives multilevel marketing
NSA Bradley Manning Saddam Hussein
Libya CIA Cuba Nazi espionage Ruby Ridge terrorism Hezbollah IRA SEP mutual fund
nuclear secrets George Bush Zionism KKK XXX Elian revolution Tim McVeigh
Cthulhu assassination
Julian Assange illegal alien smuggling
Society for Creative Anarchism
Fidel Castro cryptography INS international Communist conspiracy
Jewish conspiracy holocaust Bin Laden Afghanistan Al Qaeda